Student Investment Fund

Student Investment Fund

Managing Real Money

The University of Tulsa’s Student Investment Fund was established in 1997 and currently has more than $6 million in assets that students manage.

The purpose of the fund is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain a real-world experience in the process of managing investment portfolios through buying and selling securities and learning about asset allocations. Students are able to apply financial theories and models in making real investment decisions and managing a real portfolio of financial assets.

The class elects an executive officer and secretary and has four working committees: Portfolio Accounting and Risk, Macro Economic, Membership/Public Relations and Operations/MIS. Class sessions involve: (i) knowledge transfer from the faculty advisor and experts from the industry; (ii) student presentations and reports of committee activities; (iii) investment discussion by students similar to how mutual fund managers discuss their holdings.

Student teams analyze portfolio position, assess risk exposure, evaluate risks, develop recommendations for portfolio rebalances and defend positions in written and oral presentations.

For more information on how to get involved and the application process, please contact Tally Ferguson at

Why Join?

More than $6 million is waiting in the Student Investment Fund for you to manage! There are many advantages to joining the SIF.

SIF is…

a great learning experience with real world exposure

SIF will…

enhance skills and knowledge that will appeal to potential employers
increase your knowledge of investment management
look great on a resume

However, to ensure we have top-quality SIF managers, you need to apply and interview for this unique opportunity.

Requirements for Undergraduate Students
  • Investment Portfolio Management I (3083)
  • Business Finance (3003)
  • Analysis of Financial Statements (4153) recommended
Requirements for Graduate Students
  • No prerequisites for matriculated graduate students in any discipline.

We are currently accepting applications. Applications may be completed with this online form.

History of SIF

On March 23, 1998, the Student Investment Fund (SIF) made its first transaction by purchasing 250 shares of Cohu and 215 shares of Tidewater. The value of the fund was $300,000.  Most of the monies were invested in a money market fund. The original investment policy was to purchase small cap under-valued securities. However, the combination of a terrible market for small caps, the inability to make quick decisions, and the rapid turnover of students soon convinced the students that they needed to invest in a somewhat more mature market. The result was a move to mid-cap and large-cap securities.

At the end of Spring 2013 semester, the SIF portfolio value crossed the $3 million threshold for the first time since its implementation in 1997. The portfolio is now valued at more than $6 million! The beneficiaries of the investment decisions made by TU students have been TU students. There have been approximately $1 million in scholarships awarded since SIF began. This provides the opportunity for current TU students to pay it forward to future TU students.

The future of the SIF is very bright. Friends of Finance, the organization that raises money for the SIF, is doing very well and is very committed to helping the SIF grow and improve the quality of the finance program.

Mission Statement

As members of the The University of Tulsa’s Student Investment Fund, we will meet for the purpose of furthering our knowledge of financial management; elevating our experience in the investment arena; promulgating our objectives and purposes to the public; mastering the practices, habits and ethics of finance professionals and for the promotion of social and professional relationships amongst our members. This background will provide us with superior knowledge and competitive ability in our professional field.

We will also, as beneficiaries, endeavor to provide superior returns to our shareholders; those individuals who have enabled us to enjoy this experience by donating to the Finance Excellence Fund.

-Adopted January 23, 2001

Policies and Procedures

The Student Investment Fund Organization is guided by an Advisory Board and faculty adviser.

To apply, please complete the Application form and return to Cristina Smith Williams, Collins College of Business, Room 208-A Helmerich Hall.

Investment Policy
Parliamentary Procedures

Student Application
Current Officers